Welcome to Zanti Ayurveda

Empowering people to thrive from a foundation of wellness is our core mission.
Treading lightly on the earth is an essential pillar at Zanti Ayurveda. We use the most natural, organic products and sustainable practises possible.

Pomegranate Drink Ingr

Your wellness path begins here.

Wellness: Zanti Ayurveda™ is an accumulation of over 28 years of studies and experience in Pathology, Medical Research, Nutrition, Fertility, Ayurveda and Energetic Healing bringing you a scientifically supported, Wholistic Wellness approach.

Treatments: In my ‘fusion’ treatments, I blend traditional Ayurvedic Therapies with McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release®, Reiki and Art of BodyWork® , to bring pain relief and  releases.

Together, we can then address the causative factors through Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom.



Mondays 10am -4:30pm
Tuesdays 9am - 1pm


Friday 11am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

Eternal Energy Healing

Wednesday and Thursday

Events and Workshops

These workshops are designed to improve community health via the wonderful, ancient science of Ayurveda. I am passionate about health, environment, sustainability, pain relief and Ayurveda. Teaching allows me to combine my passions of empowering others and alchemy, so I give my knowledge readily. Participants will gain a wealth of knowledge about themselves, plus easy health tips and DIY confidence to take home.

Classes from $40pp. Please enquire for host information or to book a workshop.



Ayurveda and You - Dosha for Balance


TBC Nov/Dec 2024



McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® for Practitioners - Perth, WA

23 February 2025



Art of BodyWork® training for Practitioners, With Alastair McLoughlin - Perth, WA

2,3,4 May 2025



McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® for Practitioners - Perth, WA

3 August 2025



McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® for Practitioners - Newcastle, NSW

2 November 2025



McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® for Practitioners - Perth, WA

30 November 2025



Zanti Ayurveda Autumnal Easy Reset


17 - 22 April



Zanti Ayurveda Gentle Spring Cleanse and Reset

Online and In-Person

14 - 28 October 2023